
Five Lesser-Known Places In Singapore Worth Exploring

Here are five lesser-known places in Singapore worth exploring:

My Singapore Travel Experience | Veena World

Image source Veena World on Google 

  1. Haw Par Villa: This unconventional theme park showcases Chinese mythology through vibrant sculptures and dioramas. It’s a quirky yet educational spot with depictions of moral stories and legends.
  2. Kranji Marshes: A hidden gem for nature lovers, Kranji Marshes offers lush greenery, scenic trails, and bird-watching opportunities. The marshland is a peaceful escape from the city’s hustle.
  3. Bukit Brown Cemetery: An ancient cemetery serving as a heritage site, it offers a glimpse into Singapore’s history with its tombstones, biodiversity, and guided tours revealing stories of prominent figures.
  4. Rochor Centre (Demolished): Formerly known for its colorful housing blocks, Rochor Centre was a vibrant spot filled with residences and shops. Though no longer standing, its vibrant past remains part of Singapore’s urban history.
  5. MacRitchie Treetop Walk: A serene hiking trail leading to a suspension bridge among the treetops. The walk offers stunning aerial views of the forest and reservoir, making it an ideal spot for nature enthusiasts.

These spots offer a different perspective of Singapore beyond its popular tourist attractions, showcasing the city-state’s cultural, historical, and natural diversity.

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