
Top 5 Consumer Trends Set to Redefine Tomorrow

In the realm of smartphones, foldable and bendable devices are set to gain popularity in the coming years. While foldable models were only introduced by a handful of brands in 2022, they are expected to become more general in 2023 and 2024.

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Motorola’s bendable phone, which uses a plastic OLED screen to create a flexible display, is one particular innovation in this space. The device can be bent into a U shape and even worn as a smartwatch. Connected devices are also set to revolutionize the tech industry, with categories such as personal computers, entertainment systems, home infrastructure, and home appliances becoming increasingly “smart.” However, these devices need to offer genuine value to consumers, to drive growth in the market.

Phone That Bends Into A Watch? Motorola Introduces A New Bendable Phone

Image source Social Nation on Google 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to play a major role in the future of hardware. The Humane AI pin, for example, uses laser-ink technology to project a screen-like user interface onto one’s hand, eliminating the need for a physical screen.

As AI continues to improve, it is a light wearable gadget that functions by voice, sending information to the users through Chatbot AI such as calling, messaging, translation, and app interfaces in a variety of hardware form factors.

AI assistants are the alternative area where the technology is set to make significant inroads. According to a recent study, customer service is likely to be the most important use case for AI in the business space. AI assistants will transform the way companies engage with their customers, offering greater efficiency, responsiveness, and customized experiences. Over time, this could lead to deals being crafted for individual preferences on the fly.

Finally, India is set to become an increasingly important hub for tech manufacturing, with a range of devices and software solutions being developed and exported to global markets.

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