
Transformative Habits For Mental And Physical Health

The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Transformation Leaders
Habits are the utmost thing that can improve our physical and mental health. Some are especially easy to establish in our routines and have enormous benefits. The most important thing after carrying out one of these wellness plans is to be able to learn certain tools to continue with holistic wellness when you get home and get back to normal.
Here are the ways to make small changes and make drastic changes in your life:
Cut time on social networks and more time for meal planning
Think about the time you spend on social media that you could be cutting back on to spend planning menus, shopping and cooking. Studies show that it is around two hours a day. In place, improvising in front of the fridge is the worst way to start a meal. Anticipating makes it easier to manage and planning the weekly menu helps us to complete the shopping list.
The importance of stretching
They are essential to be aware of bad postural habits and to lengthen our figure. They usually measure the patient’s height before starting their muscle chain stretching classes. After a week they measured again and even found that the height could increase by one centimetre precisely because the muscles had been stretched and lengthened.
A small physical exercise routine in place every day for some time now. Not only because they are essential to prevent injuries, but they are also essential to be aware of bad postural habits and to lengthen our figure.
Activate the metabolism with strength training
The importance of increasing strength training in my daily routine because it activates the metabolism more than cardio workouts. These workouts help keep your basal metabolism high and that makes you burn more fat and more efficiently.
Journaling in the morning 
One of the underrated habits every day should make in their life. Write journaling as much as you can. I wake up and write the first thoughts that come into my head because that will condition the day. Smiling to send a positive thought to our brain. Athletes do it at the end of races to have more energy and strength and it provokes in the brain what the expert calls.
Organic Eggs & Milk
What the animals eat, we eat ourselves. You try to buy organic eggs and milk. Not so much because of the question of pesticides associated with traditional farming, but because of the importance of animal feed in our organism.
Crunchy foods
There are some easy tricks to transform healthy, seemingly bland foods. Just play with the textures of the same dish. A salad will have a different air by adding a crunchy touch, for example, by roasting chickpeas, which can also be spiced.
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