
Rocket League Announced Player-To-Player Ending Remove On December

Rocket League, a game played by many, currently facing a major change that has left its players unhappy. Epic, the game’s developer has announced that player-to-player trading will be removed from the game on December 5th.
Not every person received this game well. The announcement tweet has received a lot of negative feedback.
The reason for the change is that Epic wants to align with its overall approach to game cosmetics and item shop policies. This is a move to ensure that items aren’t tradable, transferrable, or sellable. While this means that players will no longer be able to engage in player-to-player trading, it also means that there will be future plans for some Rocket League vehicles to come to other Epic games over time, supporting cross-game ownership.
However, some players believe that Epic’s decision to eliminate trading is tied to its desire to take a cut of player-to-player trades. With the removal of this feature, Epic will have complete control over purchases, which they will get a slice of. This move is seen as an attempt to fill the giant revenue hole that Epic is facing, due to CEO Tim Sweeney’s pet projects like suing Apple and creating a Steam rival in the Epic Games Store.
Epic’s decision to bring Rocket League vehicles to other games, which presumably includes Fortnite, also seems to be in line with Sweeney’s vision of the metaverse. While some people are excited about the idea of owning items that can be transferred across games, most developers have said that this would be technically unfeasible. Regardless, Epic is determined to make it happen.
Overall, this decision is seen by many as another blunder by Epic, and a move that will do more harm than good. While it remains to be seen if Epic will revert the decision, it’s clear that Rocket League players are unhappy with the change.
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