
5 Most Underrated Skills Every Tech Needs To Learn

s technology has become increasingly important to the operation of businesses, it has become necessary for companies to have a leadership role dedicated to managing their technology programs and efforts. This has led to the evolution and expansion of the role of a tech leader, who is now playing a vital part in strategy, product development, customer relations, marketing and more.
Tech leaders are expected to be key players in determining how their companies operate and interface with the market going forward. It is therefore essential for tech leaders to develop their “C-suite skills” to keep up with their growing responsibilities.
One of the skills that tech executives should master in 2022 is boardroom communication. As more of them enter a strategic board-reporting role, they must understand how to communicate the complexities of their job in layperson’s terms. A successful ten-minute board presentation can set up and cement tech executives for long-term success that can be carried forward to their successors.
Another vital skill that tech execs should master is being people-first leaders. No matter what industry they’re in, doing business without people is impossible. Tech leaders should start thinking about people as people and not just as resources or tools in their toolbox. In modern companies, people use the tools; they are not the tools themselves.
Tech executives should also master the art of coaching. This includes both coaching teams to increase performance and productivity and encouraging upskilling opportunities for advancement. A good coach and leader will ensure team members understand how their work fits into the broader company mission and encourage them to stay inspired and committed to that “North Star,” ultimately leading by example.
Tuning the ability to respond to signals in the marketplace is another must-have skill for tech executives. There will be instances where they must pivot quickly, but often the precursor signals have been there for a while. That sensibility will foster stronger customer relationships. As our world continues to change, tech executives should be the “constant” that their customers need and rely on, equipping them with the knowledge they need to succeed.
Lastly, nowadays, with much of the tech world operating in a hybrid remote setup, tech leaders need to master storytelling using powerful visuals and remote tools. Instead of giving boring presentations, a tech leader needs to learn to communicate their messages based on their team’s persona, engaging the audience remotely using modern tools and leveraging the power of square box cameras to build trust with their team.
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