
2023’s Top Pick: Cyberpunk 2077 Takes the Crown

The writer’s Game of the Year for 2023 is Cyberpunk 2077. Even though it was released in 2020, ongoing updates and the recent 2.0 update, including Phantom Liberty expansion have significantly improved the game.
Cyberpunk 2077 - YouTube
They’ve played it multiple times and consider it one of their all-time favourites due to its engaging gameplay, customizable characters, and detailed NPCs. Despite some weaknesses in parts of the main storyline, they appreciate the side missions and the transformed combat system after the 2.0 update, which made the game more enjoyable and versatile.
The Phantom Liberty expansion, especially, offered an exceptional storyline with intense decision-making moments, making it one of the most memorable gaming experiences for them in 2023. Overall, despite its initial release date, Cyberpunk 2077 remains their favourite single-player game, especially after the 2.0 update and the Phantom Liberty expansion.
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