
Turn Over A Green Leaf With These Practices To Buy Jewlery

The love towards wearing jewellery is deeply ingrained in Indian women; more often than not sustainable jewellery. Otherwise equals gold. Yes, women are obsessed with the metal and have no qualms about it.

But, did you know this preoccupation with gold?

Shedding light on the carbon footprint of gold. A signal 9-gram, 22-karat plain gold ring generates close to 20,000kgs of toxic waste including cyanide and mercury wastage—that’s nearly 6 billion tons of toxic water when extrapolated, per year. And, it takes only half a gram of cyanide to kill a person.
So, it is time you became more mindful of our buying practices and here are a few habits to begin with.
Look beyond diamonds The ecological footprint of diamonds is no secret with numerous documentaries and movies highlighting their environmental and ethical impact. If you still can’t resist the sparkle, in recent times, there’s been considerable focus on lab-grown diamonds that are kind to the environment—and the pocket. “Lab-grown diamonds provide a sustainable and ethical alternative to traditionally mined diamonds. They can be created without ecosystem disruption in laboratories powered by renewable energy, all the while upholding ethical labour practices.

Go with ethical and sustainable brands

Choosing local brands that genuinely produce handmade pieces makes the carbon footprint significantly lower. Devpura suggests checking on certifications and ethical practices before buying. “Educate yourself to make informed choices and go with brands that use recycled materials, support local artisans, seek transparency, consider longevity and embrace a minimalistic approach for a greener industry.

Consider options like pre-loved and rented jewellery

Brands like Aulerth offer clients the option to rent jewellery (that has been crafted out of sustainable materials). Additionally, a quick Google search will throw up a multitude of websites offering pre-loved jewellery—at a fraction of the original price. And if that’s not your cup of tea, you’ll find the best pre-loved pieces in your home in the form of heirloom pieces. Start a conversation by wearing them as they are, or repurpose them for a contemporary look—the options are endless.

Invest in classics

Last but not least, invest in classics that not only offer more utility but also give more value for money. Pick pieces that can be layered and effortlessly styled with multiple outfits. Invest smartly and sustainably, because it’s the only way of ensuring a green future.
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