
The Game-Changing Combing Techniques By Popular Hairstylists

What if we told you the way you comb hair is wrong? While it might sound like a gig that you have had down pat, you might be doing it wrong all your life—as I would discover in a chat with Natasha Nasta, style director at Jean-Claude Biguine Salons. While your reflex action might be to run a comb from your scalp till the end, this technique could be secretly causing more hair fall than you realise.
What if I told you the way you comb your hair is wrong?
it may sound either interesting or unusual. According to the experts reflex action might be to run a comb from your scalp till the end, this technique could be secretly causing more hair fall than you realise.
When you comb, avoid putting excessive pressure on the scalp, a practice that can exert unnecessary pressure on tangled hair. When you begin combing from the mid-lengths to the ends and then move towards the scalps, this technique reduces your hair fall and damage frequently.
Here are the hidden techniques you can keep in mind while you comb your hair:
  • Combing your hair severely can lead to breakage and hair loss. For best results, it is advisable to apply a serum or hydration cream before combing to reduce breakage and make the process smoother.
  • Don’t try to put pressure to unlock knots of your hair instead apply serum or cream on the mid-length and ends, forcing on the knots. Then, use a wide-toothed comb to gently remove the knots while avoiding excessive force to prevent breakage and hair fall.
  • Comb wet hair with care Since wet hair is more fragile, Towel dry your hair and wait until it is 40-60% dry before running a wide-toothed comb through the length.
  • Be careful with back-combing Back-combing frequently can cause breakage near the roots and mid-lengths of the hair. If a certain hairstyle necessitates back-combing, apply oil on the scalp and hair at night and then wash carefully the next day. Leaving the oil overnight helps soften and naturally detangle the hair.
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