
Sustainable Fashion Material For The Future

What does mean of sustainability?

Sustainable fashion encourages the use of eco-friendly materials which protect the environment and produce clothes. Also, it improves social and economic conditions for the workers involved in the industry. In the fashion industry and worldwide, it has become a meaningful topic to save the environment by making sustainable clothes.

It is not just about the yarns, the idea of making a sustainable future.

What Makes Sustainable Fashion? - The New York Times

  1. Plant or fruit leathers made from waste materials are starting to gain grip. For example, Pinatex is a material made from the leaves of pineapples grown in the Philippines. its production is much more sustainable than traditional leather and it is completely eco-friendly without harming any animals. It requires less water and no harmful chemicals. Its leftover leaf waste is recycled and used for fertiliser.
  2. Wool. Although not all wool farms have adequate welfare standards, and many activist organisations, such as PETA, argue that it isn’t ethical, wool is a sustainable fabric: renewable, durable and biodegradable. Additionally, some sheep farmers produce wool using techniques which sequester carbon from the atmosphere to reduce the environmental impact. The strength and resilience of the fabric – it is both flame-resistant and water-repellent – means that it lasts for a long time, reducing the need for fast fashion replacements.
  3. Linen is made from the fibres of the flax plant. It was used by cultures as far back as the ancient Egyptians because of its durability and ability to keep people cool and absorb water. These days, when it is grown in geographically suitable areas, such as Europe (almost three-quarters of flax is grown in the EU), there is no need for pesticides or fertilisers and it requires much less water than cotton and is good for soil health. The material itself is hard-wearing so doesn’t need to be replaced for years and dries quicker than cotton and other fabrics.
  4. Cotton farming requires intensive use of pesticides and chemicals as well as gallons of water to produce just one item of cleaning. However, there are more sustainable ways of producing the fabric, which take into account the wider environment and habitats of the rest of nature. The Better Cotton Initiative, for example, supports farmers across the world to care for water, soil health and natural habitats with certain specifications. It covers 12.5 per cent of the market. Another way of knowing what impact your T-shirt has already had is by looking out for retailers that are certified organic cotton with the GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) label. This means that the manufacturing process doesn’t use toxic fertilisers or pesticides which are harmful to our environment, including the workers.

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