
Revamp The Routine: 5 Natural Skincare Tips For Radiant Skin

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Skincare is a long process that requires consistency and patience to see results. With so many skincare and wellness hacks available, it can take years to know what works and what does not. What products are useful for your skin or what react? So, why not seek advice from the experts themselves? 3 skincare experts share their top tips and insights, which can inform your regime and save you time on trial and error.

Meet Sandhya Shekar, a celebrity make-up artist who offers the following tips:
1. Milk cleansers over face wash:
Milk cleansers over face wash: She recommends using a milk cleanser instead of a face wash. She has noticed that milk cleansers are gentler and milder on the skin, helping to restore moisture that is lost as we age. Also, Milk cleanser does help to remove tanning.
2. Get adequate sleep:
 There is no doubting room that the importance of getting eight hours of sleep and going to bed at the same time every day can make a positive impact on reducing dark circles and recommends making relaxation a part of your daily routine to minimize stress.
3. Using minimal products:
Sandhya advises using bare minimal products on your skin. She suggests that the fewer products you use, the better it is for your skin. Following a minimal skincare routine will help you achieve flawless skin with the best texture.
4. Cleanse after using a hair conditioner:
Sandhya recommends cleansing your skin after using shampoo and conditioner to remove excess oil and prevent pore blockages and breakouts.
5. Opt for silk pillows:
Sandhya advises sleeping on silk pillows instead of cotton, which generates wrinkles and skin inflammation.
By following these tips, you can achieve healthy, glowing skin that looks younger and radiant.
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