
6 Atomic Habits: Improve Mental And Physical Being

Great changes come from atomic habits, a contributor outlines her choices that will continue to shape her routine for the better. 

Cheen Up A Little More

Vacations invite disconnection, fulfilment, and laughter. Let’s say that smiling on vacation is a piece of cake. However, trying to get into the habit of smiling on my return with obligations and tensions. “The brain attaches tremendous importance to what happens in the face. Besides the musculature around the eyes, the second most important part of the brain in the face is the mouth. We are not aware of the power it has. The neural response to a smiling face is much stronger than to an unsmiling or angry one. The insula, which is one of the parts of the brain most involved in identity, is activated when we see someone smile or when we smile ourselves.

Add More Protein To Breakfast

I have come to realize the immense benefits of incorporating eggs into my breakfast routine. Not only are they a rich source of protein and highly satiating, but they also provide ample energy and help avoid insulin spikes. According to Salena Sainz, director of the Naturae Nutrition clinic, eggs are high in tyrosine and tryptophan, which are precursors of serotonin, the happiness hormone. Additionally, they are rich in vitamin B1 and magnesium and are one of those foods that, according to energy nutrition, have a soothing effect on the brain.

Fewer social habits, more books

As for my digital habits, I have discovered that reading more books has had a profound impact on my mental well-being. Reading generates dopamine and an immediate feeling of well-being, besides being an excellent mental exercise. I have made it a point to read for at least 20 minutes a day, preferably on paper, and have found it to be a source of great peace and pleasure.

Deal With One Thing At A Time

Multitasking has always been my go-to approach, but I have realized that doing things one at a time is a much more effective and anxiety-reducing strategy. I plan to consciously focus on each task without falling into the trap of doing several things at the same time. As psychologist Laura Palomares explains, it is important to remind oneself that it is impossible to control everything and that focusing on one task at a time is the best way to get things done efficiently.

Stop Complaining

Lastly, I have decided to take a more positive approach to life by complaining less. I understand that it is easier said than done, but I am determined to make a conscious effort to stop constant and unproductive complaining. As psychologist Brigida H. MadsenConstant explains, complaining only fosters negativity and a pessimistic view of the world, which in turn creates an unpleasant atmosphere and negative energy.
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